Nemo MZ :A Nitrogen Metabolite that Coordinates C and N Metabolism and Plant Growth.
The Discovery:is a functional analogue of 2-oxoglutaramate,A Proline Family Amino acid,mimics 2-Hydroxy-5-Oxyproline to increase N assimilation.
Total Nutrients : 31%
Mode of Action : Direct: inhibiting the oxidative phosphorylation process in the metabolism of Oomycetes (McGrath, 2004). Indirect: Triggering the generation of phytoalexins of treated plants (SAR Concept). Has acropetal movement (from the root to the leaves) and basipetal (from the leaf to the root) = application flexibility.
15-20 Days Crop Emergence Stage
A Crop Nitrogen Assimilator, Drives two vital processes INSIDE the plant,Increases carbon fixation by stimulating photosynthesis,Increases nitrogen assimilation and utilization.Increase plant vigor, growth, and productivity.Crop Nitrogen Assimilator works INSIDE the plant.This product supplements the regular fertilizer use in the crops. Combines benefits of Nutrients with propritary "Take Off" technology for better plant growth, Productivity & higher quality produce.
*Nemo MZ Is not Recommmended to Use this product with Surfactants or Adjuvants that lower pH.
* If the tank mix is below a pH 7, do not tank mix with fungicicidal copper products or apply the Spray solution to plants that have been or will be treated with fungicidal coppr spray with 10 days of the planned application.