NOVA Elicitor

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What is NOVA Elicitor ?

Nova Elicitor is a unique combination of mineral and Organic components developed utilizing consept of technologies from nature sustanable agriculture & integrated nutrition. To activat the defense mechenisum for disease management

  • Source of NOVA Elicitor : Cytozyme Lab.Inc. USA
  • Product With Techknolodgy: MAC Techknology
Components in Nova Elicitor :
  • 1. Organic Matter : 22%
  • 2.Mineral Components : 8.5% ( natural chelation form )

Total Nutrients : 30.5%

Main high light Nutrients in NOVA Elicitor :
  • Potassium : (K2O):14 %

How NOVA Elicitor is different from other

A) MAC Technology helps to stimulates plant metabolism at critical stage which determine the quantity & crop quality.
B) Multi Stage Fermentation patiented technology to process the final product.
C) Nova Elicitor it is a concentrated liquid product obtained through Cytozyme’s unique, proprietary technology.
D) Organically derived nutritional supplement applied to foliage of fruit trees and grape vinesm for Bactericide-Fungicide.
E) The absorption of Nova Elicitor is faster than other copper by the plant.
F) Antioxidants to protect plant from accumulation of free radicals.
G) Nova Elicitors to reduce impact of stress during this critical.
H) The Mobility Of Nova Elicitor is faster than other Copper In The Plant.
I)Nova Elicitor Dissociates Fully And Quickly Into Cu++ And So4 Which Allows a Rapid and Effective Bactericide-Fungicide Action At Low Concentrations.
J)Very low Soluble Concentrations Of Copper Of 0.5-50 Ppm Are Sufficient To Control Fungus And Bacteria.

Crops Dose/acre or per ltr of water Time of application Benefits
Foliar Drenching/Broadcasting Drip
Field Crops 1.5 ml/lit. 250 ml/acre 250 ml/acre

Organically derived nutritional supplement applied to foliage of fruit trees and grape vines for Bacteri-Fungus control.

1) Excellent Disease Management
2) Excellent Nutrition Management
3) Defence Mechanism Activion.
4) Yield Improvement.
5) The Best Copper Alternative For Your Crop

Grapes 51.5 ml/lit. 250 ml/acre 250 ml/care
Vegetables 1.5 ml/lit. 250 ml/acre 250 ml/acre
Fruits & Plantation 1.5 ml/lit. 250 ml/acre 250 ml/acre
Flowers & Ornaments 250 ml/Acre 400 - 500 ml/acre 500 ml/care

* Vegetable crops like Tomato, Chilli, Brinjal, Oakra Nova Elicitor after tranceplantation.

* NOVA Elicitort may use as tank mix with any Insecticides,Fungicides. Avoid to Spray at Flowering Stage.

* NOVA Elicitor may abosrbed by plants with in 2 hours after application.